Tuesday 13 February 2024




I just wanted to let you ALL know that on the 24th of February M.A.W!'s flagship writing programme dubbed the Creative writing and Self Publishing  Format is back at Coombes Croft Library for a two hour run of the mill showcase to enable aspiring local writers and experienced ones  work on their craft effectively and self publish their work without any hinderances or extra cost. 

It's a tough world out there but with grit and determination anyone can do this. I believe if anyone can muster any courage they can truly pull this off. The realisation is that some aspiring authors always think they're at a great disadvantage when starting out. That's not true. 

So, if you're willing to learn about your writing in general, your genre, and become aware of other approaches as how best to deal with your writing or finished product. Then prepare to be furnished with the right information. That's because I will share what I know with you lot. 

I'm not a one stop shop. But, I guess I've developed strategies to sell my work and I've garnered experience along the way and that's always helpful. So, are you guys ready to join me in order to take the next step in your writing journey and explore the various options that come with very rewarding features? Remember this everybody: the hard work starts when you have the finished product in your hand. But, how do you really get your work out there for other local authors to see including the world?

Once again come and learn the intricate details of  writing, self publishing and promoting your work. And when doing that come learn how to have fun with it. The MECHANICS of ADVENTURE WRITING will be back soon with more surprises and exciting talks. Don't miss it. And, STAY SAFE!