Friday 18 February 2022



I've just finished watching the new JACK  REACHER television series on PRIME VIDEO and I might just watch the whole series again after a while. It was brilliant! I strongly believe Lee Child has struck gold dust with Alan Ritchson as the lead character REACHER. Ritchson's gruff manner and boyish charm shone through and all the mannerisms of the much beloved hero REACHER were fleshed out for good measure. Having said that I still wouldn't take anything away from the Reacher movies which Tom Cruise took on in the lead role of REACHER. Both films were blockbusters and I must say I enjoyed them immensely. I can't wait for REACHER SEASON 2 to show. 

The whole idea behind all this has blown me away with excitement and has inspired me to continue my crime fiction writing and develop further research into adventure writing. Anyway, the good news is that I'm not done telling gripping stories of mystery, action and adventure just yet. I'm working on my next Mac Logan thriller AND I am also working on a plan to promote my long awaited sequel which I've called FALCON. 

Now, with that being said, I must highlight  once again that I have some American interviews coming up SOON. I am being groomed in the best possible way by a film maker and renown story teller whose mentorship is nothing short of amazing. His name is KEITH SALMON.

 Whatever happens stay tuned on this channel. And STAY SAFE!