I really enjoyed watching the new ALEX CROSS series on PRIME'S Amazon TV. And, I love ALDIS HODGE'S portrayal of the titular character of Cross. He wasn't just believable as a scarred fictional Black hero trying to protect his family and loved ones. It was mind blowing to see the challenges he faced while doing his job as a hotshot police detective and forensic psychologist consultant. It was also good to see on telly that Cross had an invested interest in saving other lives from the streets which brightened the colours of a darker and gritty hybrid form that was directly embedded within the conforms of high society.
The new Alex Cross series has definitely made me think and look long and hard at the future of my fictional sleuth named Logan.
The first series was stimulating and engaging and gripping. It was nothing short of jaw dropping and amazing because it had all those elements that make a good crime story.
I'd almost forgotten that Logan's birthday is actually today. I've been writing a new manuscript and I've also been busy getting to know the needs of a new client I've just met.
I received a phone call this afternoon from a family friend who not only extended his well wishes with congratulatory remarks. But did it with pure joy on learning that I was moving forward with my EXPENDABLE PI creation. My family friend had observed correctly that it had been a decade since the Rattlesnake had blazed onto the local scene of crime to fight the ungodly.
You see, during all these years doing this, I realised with a Cousin's insight that I should make note of my creation's assumed birthdate. At first, the thought was just a mere idea. But, the idea stuck and here I am now trying to convince everyone that I don't have my birthday on this date. For lots of people think I do. And, that's why I've come to accept the obvious. They send me birthday greetings. But the truth is they're saluting Mac Logan AKA the RATTLESNAKE AKA the expendable PI.
Anyway, never mind. My loss. From now on I won't try to convince anyone anymore that it's not my birthday. It's just LOGAN'S.
However, the thought of doing all that brings back some fond memories. I've loved creating my stories. And I've loved every single minute doing it. That's because no one thought my stories would last this long.
But, here we are now a decade later listening and reading these stories I tell about this fictional character I created and in the definitive genre I invented him in. It's really amazing what the mind can achieve.
As I mentioned I love creating the mystery stories I've written. For, I've always believed that storytelling is the best art form to express one's ideal. Good will always triumph over evil. And, although Logan is a local street level crime fighter he has been dubbed an anti-hero because some of his actions tend to cross the line in the pursuit of justice
I will say it again. I have loved every single moment of my own creative process even if that means revealing that the bad guys will give the good guys a hard time at the office sometimes, So, only one thing remains the same in all this. And, that is that the ALEX CROSS series in my humble opinion is the perfect foil for the kind of stories I like to write or tell. Dark and gritty tales that give one the chills. And, reminds one that stories can always be explored from a different angle.
That being said, Logan's crime fighting days are not over yet and I have continued his exploits in a brand new mystery adventure thriller story that will come out soon. And guess what? I have pitted him against evil in its most demented form. Yes. Mac Logan makes a huge comeback soon and I will continue from where I left off because there's one question burning on every reader's mind. Who the devil is he really and what happens to him next?
This crime novel will also be published by BIS Publications.
You can find the answers to that question when you log onto the following webpage: www.maclogan.blogspot.co.uk.
I guess this is where I say to everyone STAY SAFE!