Monday, 16 February 2015

Mr Inspiration: Inspirational poster child or what?

...You tell me.

Hi Everyone,


Some attendees of the popular BIS Self-Publishing Course

I hope everybody has settled comfortably into the New Year. I know I have. I've started to engage myself with some exciting new projects. So the new month of 2015-02-07 is definitely looking up. But, before we go into any of that on the 2nd February 2015 Mr Inspiration was invited to attend the first BIS Publications' training programme for the New Year, which was their extremely popular 1-Day Intensive Courses For African / African Caribbean Writers Who Want To Self Publish SUCCESSFULLY.” I am testimonial for the great course, it was on that course that inspired me and gave me the platform to break into crime fiction writing.


Michael Williams is the director of BIS Publications which is a independent UK based publishing house mainly for African-Caribbean writers. His company published my first crime fiction thriller Snake Amongst Shadows. He also runs these courses because of his massive experience in the publishing industry. In fact he has carved out a niche doing this for over 17 years.

Cindy Soso is Michael's very able assistant, plus several others who work in the background. Even though she has her own independent operation; she will always be credited for running things efficiently at BIS.

I did a similar course like this in the year 2012. And I remember I enjoyed every single moment on it. This[the most recent course] was equally a fun course. And, the main frame of the programme which started at 10 am and wrapped up at 4pm was based on how to self- publish successfully and market your work too. There was a small group of people on this programme. And, they all found it inspiring.

I strongly believe that Michael and Cindy are really brilliant at what they do. They equip you with the knowledge to publish your work whenever you decide to do so.


But all this starts off with an idea doesn't it? It creates a change and it makes one pursue a dream. The famous actor Will Smith stated on an American Talk Show that ideas unfold themselves. They yield possibilities, affect opportunities and high lights a distinctiveness and choice you make. My favorite bit in all that is this: It enables one to create magic. That is why it raises the question ‘What is the essence of creating the book in the first place?'

I'd like everyone to know that once you've created your idea you could be on the verge of selling your own product. So, research, write and self publish your work. Then learn how to market your product by the best in the business: Williams and Soso et al. The dream team behind BIS Publications.


I have done some great work with some old and new friends. And, I will be doing some more work using my home page as a promotional tool. You must remember I mentioned in my last piece that the Y2K Book Tour will go into motion where ever there is community action. And it has. I have radio shows, more interviews and a new book launch coming up. In fact I will be standing shoulder to shoulder with some worthy writers whose work along with mine will be showcased in a new anthology of compositions and poems. I will keep everyone updated.

However, the big one around the corner is the Rattlesnake interview with an ambitious young woman named Michelle Flood. She is the director of her own online outfit. It's called R:CH magazine. I'm not going to tell you straight away what that means. But, I equally interviewed her in turn to find out. So you guys had better watch out for that. And read it. My interview with Michelle can be described as fascinating. I cannot wait for her readers to get hold of my first book and some of the promotional tools I've got.

This interview will be showcased on my homepage very soon. It will also be showcased on my Face Book page. So please take note.


My merchandise is still under development. I am researching and testing the waters with the unique book campaigns I have done so far with some of the promotional tools I have used. It will obviously play a major role in order to create sales. There's a new campaign on the horizon. And there will be a new catch phrase. So watch out for it. Lastly, for those who didn't know about my home page. You can always log onto Read about my new plans to resurrect Logan and his further exploits. And learn where the SAS Road Show is heading next. Have fun people. Live large. But Stay safe!