Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Move over Wood Green Library...Watch out CLR James!

Yeah you heard me right......
Move over Wood Green Library. 
Watch out CLR James!

Hi Everyone,

And a Happy Halloween to everybody out there. It was a great one for me to say the least.
Last week Thursday on the 22nd October 2015 was definitely a blast.

The SAS show case and book launch event at Wood Green Library was not only exciting. But, spell binding. Yes. It had a small crowd. But quite an effective one at that since they were a group of people who gathered to learn and educate themselves with the magic created with that classic thriller novel Snake Amongst Shadows. It was a really good ensemble. And on reflection l don't think l did a bad job even if l say so myself. But, it was a team effort. And once again l can't thank GOD enough for my team and all those who came to what l consider to be a great event that evening.
I really enjoyed it and so did the audience. And l learnt a couple of things. The SAS Road Show had in a very strange way become a life of its own.
General Sam and me strategizing.
Again, l really can't thank GOD enough for all this. And l will not stop thanking my planning crew because they''ve been with me right at the very beginning.
The showcase at Wood Green Library was a real eye opener because people were actually taking notes.
My co- host Sam Amalemba was great on the evening. He asked the questions and engaged the audience. They bought into everything we said. Because we were telling the truth and talking from a perspective no one had thought of before. And most importantly it had heart.
At the end of this particular event the audience were blown away by the possibilities created with such a product like mine.

Ryan: my Merchandiser
This brings my attention to the merchandise that came with this product and how it was presented to the audience. What was done was great. One had to be there to witness the birth of something AMAZING!!!
I thank Ryan Grant for making a real display with the Rattlesnake t-shirt and pulling it off too. Mr Autonomous was real cool with the latest addition to my merchandise operation.
So boys and girls. Ladies and gentlemen. Buy your mugs and t-shirts and other Rattlesnake goodies where ever l go to do a show case or Book launch event. And don't stop to ask me questions if you may on 07873449716. But, to get all things Rattlesnake click onto my webpage. 

Lastly, my thanks go to Mr Garfield Robinson who made it possible for good old Rattlesnake to get some free publicity in issue NO. 1701 October 22-28, 2015 of the Voice Newspaper. That made my day.
Garfield: my Publicist
Anyway, l believe things are just getting started with Logan. The Expendable Pl will be back in a new adventure thriller and the world will never be the same again.
Hey gang, STAY SAFE!

Stories Worth Telling...

I thought I'd inform readers on how two BIS Publications' authors who have attended the extremely popular BIS Publishing courses have been getting on.
The amazing book I read every day to
become the best-selling author I plan to be.

Let me start with Chimaijem Ezechukwu the crime fiction writer of 'Snake Amongst Shadows', since he self published that title it has been doing very well in both print and e-format. I asked Chimaijem why this is? he said “I've simply being applying what I was taught on the BIS Publishing Courses and what it says to do in the book 'Self Publishing Successfully: A 20 Step Guide'. I am very glad I paid particular interest in part of the course which focused on 'How To Market Your Book And Create The Demand' I use this to accelerate my book sales. I will be busy between now [Black History Month] and the end of the year with book readings, promoting and of course selling.”

I was pleasantly surprised this week to be told by Sonia Lyefook the author of 'In Search of Destiny: Return To The Mother', just how well her book is doing since finishing the BIS Publishing Courses. Sonia who now lives and works in Ghana with husband Byron was over in the UK on a short visit to see family. When I managed to catch up with her she told me “Michael my first print run of books I have managed to completely sell off, just from my hotel”. Both Sonia and Byron run a guest house in Elmina, Ghana and it was from the guest house reception Sonia sold off all her books. Being the business woman she is, she simply took the profits from the first book print-run and has now reinvested it into a second larger print run. She plans to do equally if not better with this second batch of books in Ghana. In Search of Destiny: Return To The Mother is also now available for Kindle.
Sonia and son Omar & Samia.
I like to use real life examples of people who have either purchased the book Self Publishing Successfully: A 20 Step Guide and/or attended any of our successful self publishing courses as testimonials. So as to show people who dream of one day writing and having their book published that they can do it too, if they just believe and START! And the best place to start is with the Self Publishing Successfully: A 20 Step Guide and then our courses.

Make your dream of being self published a reality by empowering yourself with the: Self Publishing Successfully: A 20 Step Guide, an essential tool for all those who want to self publish SUCCESSFULLY

Me (Chima) and one of my fans :-) East side.

Article given by the courtesy of Michael Williams.

Saturday, 22 August 2015

The Myth of the Snake Amongst Shadows!

Hi Everyone,

I am going to continue the "Justice screams and Mayhem walks" campaign with a new slot. I have called it "Discover the Myth of the Snake Amongst Shadows." I know eyebrows will be raised, but all will be explained in good time and trust and believe it will be fun. So until we meet again look after yourself and STAY SAFE!

Chimaijem Ifeanyi Ezechukwu

Saturday, 4 April 2015


Hi Everyone,


This message is simply to wish everybody acquainted with my blog a great Easter. 

If you are keeping up with my Face Book page you'll know there's a new catchphrase on the horizon. 

And, I must say it has led to the start of a new book campaign that has quietly taken off. It's called Justice Screams.


This is a new promotional campaign to spread the word about Logan's adventures. It's also come with something really exciting. 

Working with other motivational outfits. 

I know for a fact that a couple of people I intend to work with cannot wait to get started on the whole project. 

I won't reveal all so that the fun in all this isn't tarnished. But watch this space. I promise you one thing. Literally, the world will never be the same again. 


The promotional campaign kicked off quietly on Mother's Day. The Advert ran thus: 

An Inspirational Gift for Mother's Day 

The war against crime is far from over. Justice screams. 

Find out why when you read the award winning mystery thriller Snake Amongst Shadows by Chimaijem Ifeanyi Ezechukwu and published by BIS Publications.

 I'm sure your Mums will enjoy the intrepid exploits of Logan. Stay Safe!

You can find out NOW when you log onto www.maclogan.blogspot.co.uk or sign up on the BIS Publications home page


And the same thing applies here right NOW! 

Get the e-book  when you go into my homepage. You won't regret doing that. You can purchase the e-book for just £3.64 Click here!

There will be more news about local authors,views,reviews and interviews on the blog and also on my Face Book and Twitter pages. 

And please do not despair, Logan will return to the thick of it all in an all new mystery, action adventure story I am still working on. If you guys loved the first caper you ain't seen nothing yet. 


On the 6th of March 2015 a new publication was launched by my creative writing group. 

I am proud to say I got put back in print again in this new book called 'It's still a word thing'. 

Even though the book was a group effort seven of my compositions were published.

The book is published by Word Thing Publications and is a compilation of poems and short stories. 

You can also buy that NOW! Copies are available online. Just log onto the homepage which is Christian Bookcase The ISBN is 978-1-910474-03-7. 
Paper backs are available and cost £10 

Spread the word about the 'Justice Screams and Mayhem Walks Campaign'. Stay Safe!

NB:   My next piece will focus on some interview projects. 

Tell you more very soon. 

        I understand some people expected me to do this slot when I had announced this many weeks ago. 

        I  couldn't  due to stipulations in the agreement with my very first client. But apart from all that nothing's changed, 

Her interview will take center stage when the time for all that is right. 

Meanwhile the show must move on. 

And that's what's happened. 

My promotion has moved on with some new interview projects. 

Have a great Easter everyone. And remember live large! 

Friday, 20 February 2015

It was February 14th -Saint Valentine's night. But, Logan felt Doomed!

Flash Fiction By Chimaijem Ifeanyi Ezechukwu


In the shadow of darkness there was a spark of light. But, it was actually a blazing fire that had been started by some hooligans on Saint Valentine's night in a building site.

'Who goes there? An elderly man shouted. He was standing in the premises petrified with fear. In the haze of smoke suddenly something appeared. It came out of the gloom. The elderly man was very scared. He could see it was a man. And this man was coming towards him. The man wore dark civies.

'Who are you?' the man whispered stridently. At first the elderly fellow could hardly hear him. But, when the question was repeated again he said, 'Mike Williams'.

Logan could see the old man was trembling. 'Don't be scared' he whispered again. ' Call me Jarrett'. Logan knew the old timer did not start the furnace. Someone else did. It was a man who went by the code name Doomed. Logan was yet to find out why this was so. He had come here to find answers. It seems he was too late. Logan was investigating a case and Doomed was connected with it. It seemed this deadly foe was one step ahead of him all the time. And, he could now see why. The very place both men stood was doomed.

This piece was written for all the Expendable PI fans. Mac Logan will return in a new adventure soon. Watch out and beware. Stay Safe!

Justice has a new face. His name is... Logan. Follow the exciting adventures of the Expendable P.l. when you log onto www.maclogan.blogspot.co.uk. The Rattle snake will be back soon

Monday, 16 February 2015

Mr Inspiration: Inspirational poster child or what?

...You tell me.

Hi Everyone,


Some attendees of the popular BIS Self-Publishing Course

I hope everybody has settled comfortably into the New Year. I know I have. I've started to engage myself with some exciting new projects. So the new month of 2015-02-07 is definitely looking up. But, before we go into any of that on the 2nd February 2015 Mr Inspiration was invited to attend the first BIS Publications' training programme for the New Year, which was their extremely popular 1-Day Intensive Courses For African / African Caribbean Writers Who Want To Self Publish SUCCESSFULLY.” I am testimonial for the great course, it was on that course that inspired me and gave me the platform to break into crime fiction writing.


Michael Williams is the director of BIS Publications which is a independent UK based publishing house mainly for African-Caribbean writers. His company published my first crime fiction thriller Snake Amongst Shadows. He also runs these courses because of his massive experience in the publishing industry. In fact he has carved out a niche doing this for over 17 years.

Cindy Soso is Michael's very able assistant, plus several others who work in the background. Even though she has her own independent operation; she will always be credited for running things efficiently at BIS.

I did a similar course like this in the year 2012. And I remember I enjoyed every single moment on it. This[the most recent course] was equally a fun course. And, the main frame of the programme which started at 10 am and wrapped up at 4pm was based on how to self- publish successfully and market your work too. There was a small group of people on this programme. And, they all found it inspiring.

I strongly believe that Michael and Cindy are really brilliant at what they do. They equip you with the knowledge to publish your work whenever you decide to do so.


But all this starts off with an idea doesn't it? It creates a change and it makes one pursue a dream. The famous actor Will Smith stated on an American Talk Show that ideas unfold themselves. They yield possibilities, affect opportunities and high lights a distinctiveness and choice you make. My favorite bit in all that is this: It enables one to create magic. That is why it raises the question ‘What is the essence of creating the book in the first place?'

I'd like everyone to know that once you've created your idea you could be on the verge of selling your own product. So, research, write and self publish your work. Then learn how to market your product by the best in the business: Williams and Soso et al. The dream team behind BIS Publications.


I have done some great work with some old and new friends. And, I will be doing some more work using my home page as a promotional tool. You must remember I mentioned in my last piece that the Y2K Book Tour will go into motion where ever there is community action. And it has. I have radio shows, more interviews and a new book launch coming up. In fact I will be standing shoulder to shoulder with some worthy writers whose work along with mine will be showcased in a new anthology of compositions and poems. I will keep everyone updated.

However, the big one around the corner is the Rattlesnake interview with an ambitious young woman named Michelle Flood. She is the director of her own online outfit. It's called R:CH magazine. I'm not going to tell you straight away what that means. But, I equally interviewed her in turn to find out. So you guys had better watch out for that. And read it. My interview with Michelle can be described as fascinating. I cannot wait for her readers to get hold of my first book and some of the promotional tools I've got.

This interview will be showcased on my homepage very soon. It will also be showcased on my Face Book page. So please take note.


My merchandise is still under development. I am researching and testing the waters with the unique book campaigns I have done so far with some of the promotional tools I have used. It will obviously play a major role in order to create sales. There's a new campaign on the horizon. And there will be a new catch phrase. So watch out for it. Lastly, for those who didn't know about my home page. You can always log onto www.maclogan.blogspot.co.uk. Read about my new plans to resurrect Logan and his further exploits. And learn where the SAS Road Show is heading next. Have fun people. Live large. But Stay safe!

Wednesday, 14 January 2015


Happy NEW year everybody

This marks the start of a concept which  I spoke about on my Face Book page. 

I call it the Y2K 2015 Inspiration and Awesome Book Tour. It's main function will be to promote my work and the work of others when necessary. So here we go. .

On 7th January 2015 BIS Publications launched the writing exploits  of another Self Published author by the name of Mbeke Waseme. She has authored the new book 'Make The Change And Feel The Joy'.

I was at her Book Launch at the 25 Red Lion road venue in Holborn. It was a great event. 

My congratulations go to her once again.
Me, the author Mbeke Waseme & my self publishing coach Mr. Williams


But, moving on from all that I have just discovered that this month might require some more planning. That's with regard to the  Road shows and anything else I do.  

I therefore have decided to make a list of things I will need to do in order to achieve my aim to stay on top this year. And, it's paying off because a couple of things will be happening with the Rattlesnake in the next few weeks. 

In the interim I will be scouting out some local reading groups and radio shows to sample my work. I know all this and more will be quite interesting. Because it's leading somewhere. A pathway to Self Publishing success. 

There will be other mini projects in the pipeline. 

I know for a fact there's another young lady waiting to work her magic on the Rattlesnake. Her name will be concealed at this point. But all will be revealed. You guys had better watch out for this feature because it is going to happen and that's why I'm going to write about her exploits on my blog. And, lastly, I have always been regarded as an underdog.


I might be good at what I do. But, the truth is I am an underdog. I love living on the edge and you would too if you were in my shoes. I have always played for high stakes. That's why I intend to work very hard this year. Hey, I've got news for you. Mr Inspiration has got work to do. Stay safe!

NB: In my next piece I will discuss the future of my promotional tools. Cheers. 
Hi Everyone,

New Adventures....

Merry Xmas Gang!

I really enjoyed promoting my work and working with others this year. But, I'm going to pursue new endeavors next year.  I intend to promote my work in more libraries. Nothing's been fixed yet. But everyone will get an update on this. I intend to work with a couple of schools. 

Again,nothing has been set in stone just yet. And, I will work with community organisations and creative writing groups. I'm going to display more inspirational work using different sources of inspiration and the art of creativity which will include a new facet. Motivational skills. But, more importantly, I will focus on the sequel to my best selling Black Thriller novel Snake Amongst Shadows.That's coming soon. So, watch out for it. Have a great new year everyone. But remember Stay Safe!


The Rattlesnake and the Blogger

Chidimma Ezechukwu is a new blogger on the blogging scene. She launched her blog online a few weeks ago. I must say she's really good at what she does. She is a Nigerian graduate who seems to have a journalistic flair for covering the news around the world including her home country Nigeria. Chidimma studied computer science at  Anambra State University in Nigeria. She also covers events,entertainment,lifestyle, fashion, sports, inspiration and gossip.

So what is the gossip right now? She has offered to promote my book Snake Amongst Shadows. Well, that sounds fantastic! 

So here come the troops. Chidimma is just one of so many. I'm sure there will be  more. I really can't wait to promote my book and my life's work on her blog because i know I will feel very much at home@EzechukwuChidimma's blogspot.com 
which is her blogspot address. So, despite all this what else does she do? I won't be able to divulge that right now. But I can gladly say to you lot  it's good to know writing does run in the family.

Welcome on board the S.A.S Road Show  Chidimma. Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year.

The Advertisement

It  takes a new kind of crusade to rid  the streets of crime.
Only one man is crazy enough to dare the odds. 

Who is he and is he really whom he claims to be?

Find out in the explosive sequel to my best selling Black Thriller novel

Snake Amongst Shadows

It's coming. Soon!!!