ABOUT ME: My name is Chimaijem I. Ezechukwu. I was born in Clapton London. I am the author of the action packed crime thriller entitled 'Snake Amongst Shadows'.
ABOUT THE BOOK: SNAKE AMONGST SHADOWS: This exciting adventure features ex. educated cop Mac Logan. A man with a very dark past and crazy enough to dare the odds. Only a handful of people know he's expendable and the truth about his past. When Logan is asked to investigate a mugging he discovers a deadly secret that opens up a can of worms and puts him on the trail of an unsuspecting criminal.
MY FIRST BOOK LAUNCH: I will be having a book launch on the 07-02-14 at 639 Tottenham High Rd. Time:2pm to 5pm. The Kindle e-book version of my crime thriller can be found on Amazon £3.12p. The paperback will be issued and sold for £9.99. Please tell your friends about the e-book so that they can buy it, read it and comment on it.
I will be expecting family members and friends at this event. This particular book launch being my very first has been designed by the organisers to be a walk in/walk out session. I intend to have a good time and promote my new book.
Thanks & I look forward to seeing you.