Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Move over Wood Green Library...Watch out CLR James!

Yeah you heard me right......
Move over Wood Green Library. 
Watch out CLR James!

Hi Everyone,

And a Happy Halloween to everybody out there. It was a great one for me to say the least.
Last week Thursday on the 22nd October 2015 was definitely a blast.

The SAS show case and book launch event at Wood Green Library was not only exciting. But, spell binding. Yes. It had a small crowd. But quite an effective one at that since they were a group of people who gathered to learn and educate themselves with the magic created with that classic thriller novel Snake Amongst Shadows. It was a really good ensemble. And on reflection l don't think l did a bad job even if l say so myself. But, it was a team effort. And once again l can't thank GOD enough for my team and all those who came to what l consider to be a great event that evening.
I really enjoyed it and so did the audience. And l learnt a couple of things. The SAS Road Show had in a very strange way become a life of its own.
General Sam and me strategizing.
Again, l really can't thank GOD enough for all this. And l will not stop thanking my planning crew because they''ve been with me right at the very beginning.
The showcase at Wood Green Library was a real eye opener because people were actually taking notes.
My co- host Sam Amalemba was great on the evening. He asked the questions and engaged the audience. They bought into everything we said. Because we were telling the truth and talking from a perspective no one had thought of before. And most importantly it had heart.
At the end of this particular event the audience were blown away by the possibilities created with such a product like mine.

Ryan: my Merchandiser
This brings my attention to the merchandise that came with this product and how it was presented to the audience. What was done was great. One had to be there to witness the birth of something AMAZING!!!
I thank Ryan Grant for making a real display with the Rattlesnake t-shirt and pulling it off too. Mr Autonomous was real cool with the latest addition to my merchandise operation.
So boys and girls. Ladies and gentlemen. Buy your mugs and t-shirts and other Rattlesnake goodies where ever l go to do a show case or Book launch event. And don't stop to ask me questions if you may on 07873449716. But, to get all things Rattlesnake click onto my webpage. 

Lastly, my thanks go to Mr Garfield Robinson who made it possible for good old Rattlesnake to get some free publicity in issue NO. 1701 October 22-28, 2015 of the Voice Newspaper. That made my day.
Garfield: my Publicist
Anyway, l believe things are just getting started with Logan. The Expendable Pl will be back in a new adventure thriller and the world will never be the same again.
Hey gang, STAY SAFE!

Stories Worth Telling...

I thought I'd inform readers on how two BIS Publications' authors who have attended the extremely popular BIS Publishing courses have been getting on.
The amazing book I read every day to
become the best-selling author I plan to be.

Let me start with Chimaijem Ezechukwu the crime fiction writer of 'Snake Amongst Shadows', since he self published that title it has been doing very well in both print and e-format. I asked Chimaijem why this is? he said “I've simply being applying what I was taught on the BIS Publishing Courses and what it says to do in the book 'Self Publishing Successfully: A 20 Step Guide'. I am very glad I paid particular interest in part of the course which focused on 'How To Market Your Book And Create The Demand' I use this to accelerate my book sales. I will be busy between now [Black History Month] and the end of the year with book readings, promoting and of course selling.”

I was pleasantly surprised this week to be told by Sonia Lyefook the author of 'In Search of Destiny: Return To The Mother', just how well her book is doing since finishing the BIS Publishing Courses. Sonia who now lives and works in Ghana with husband Byron was over in the UK on a short visit to see family. When I managed to catch up with her she told me “Michael my first print run of books I have managed to completely sell off, just from my hotel”. Both Sonia and Byron run a guest house in Elmina, Ghana and it was from the guest house reception Sonia sold off all her books. Being the business woman she is, she simply took the profits from the first book print-run and has now reinvested it into a second larger print run. She plans to do equally if not better with this second batch of books in Ghana. In Search of Destiny: Return To The Mother is also now available for Kindle.
Sonia and son Omar & Samia.
I like to use real life examples of people who have either purchased the book Self Publishing Successfully: A 20 Step Guide and/or attended any of our successful self publishing courses as testimonials. So as to show people who dream of one day writing and having their book published that they can do it too, if they just believe and START! And the best place to start is with the Self Publishing Successfully: A 20 Step Guide and then our courses.

Make your dream of being self published a reality by empowering yourself with the: Self Publishing Successfully: A 20 Step Guide, an essential tool for all those who want to self publish SUCCESSFULLY

Me (Chima) and one of my fans :-) East side.

Article given by the courtesy of Michael Williams.